Energy Consumption
John 6:12-13 When they were filled, He said to His disciples, “Gather up the leftover fragments so that nothing will be lost.” So they gathered them up, and filled twelve baskets with fragments from the five barley loaves which were left over by those who had eaten.
So just as Jesus commanded his disciples to waste not the bread from the feeding of the five thousand. So we too must not waste the resources entrusted to us. Resources of money, food, water, and energy. For when we waste these things we become as fools.
Let us then be educated to use all things in appropriate measure.
September 6, 2018 Loyola Marymount University
Churches In Action is proud to be in partnership with Energy Upgrade California as both organizations strive to educate the end user about efficient use of energy, reducing demand, and therefore helping you the consumer to reduce your energy costs as energy companies convert to demand price billing.
For more information about Energy Upgrade California or the various gatherings thus far to talk about reducing energy consumption in preparation for the new DEMAND Billing coming soon from these utility Companies click on the links above and below.
Energy Upgrade California
Churches In Action is proud to be in partnership with Energy Upgrade California as both organizations strive to educate the end user about efficient use of energy, reducing demand, and therefore helping you the consumer to reduce your energy costs as energy companies convert to demand price billing.
For more information about Energy Upgrade California or the various gatherings thus far to talk about reducing energy consumption in preparation for the new DEMAND Billing coming soon from these utility Companies click on the links above and below.
September 25, 2018 Los Angeles Center for Innovation (LACI)
Churches In Action is proud to be in partnership with Energy Upgrade California as both organizations strive to educate the end user about efficient use of energy, reducing demand, and therefore helping you the consumer to reduce your energy costs as energy companies convert to demand price billing.
For more information about Energy Upgrade California or the various gatherings thus far to talk about reducing energy consumption in preparation for the new DEMAND Billing coming soon from these utility Companies click on the links above and below.
Using Resources Wisely Presentation Saturday, November 3, 2018
Churches In Action is proud to be in partnership with Energy Upgrade California as both organizations strive to educate the end user about efficient use of energy, reducing demand, and therefore helping you the consumer to reduce your energy costs as energy companies convert to demand price billing.
For more information about Energy Upgrade California or the various gatherings thus far to talk about reducing energy consumption in preparation for the new DEMAND Billing coming soon from these utility Companies click on the links above and below.