Our Mission
Churches in Action is a christian institution that was started in Los Angeles California by Bishop Juan Carlos Mendez. Human need is not seasonal, which is why locally, nationally and internationally, our mission is to be a vocal advocate for the hungry and displaced. We travel every corner of the globe to help children and families in need.

Statement of Faith
We Believe In:
The Holy Scriptures
We believe the bible is inspired by God and is the standard for our lives.(2TIM. 3:16-17)
The Eternal Trinity
We believe Jesus Christ is co-equal and co-existent with God the Father and God with Holy Spirit.(COR. 13:14)
The Deity of Christ
We believe Jesus Christ is co-equal and co-existent with God the Father and God with Holy Spirit.(JOHN. 1:1)
The Inherent Sinfulness of Man
We believe that man was created sinless by God, but he voluntarily disobeyed God, thus introducing the destructive power of sin into the human race.(ROMANS. 5:8)
Salvation By Grace
We believe that salvation comes by God’s grace through faith, not from any other source, and is available to all who desire it.(JOHN. 3:16)
Daily Christian Living
We believe the bible teach us to live consistently in the lightof it’s truth.(HEBREW. 6:1)
We believe that the heaven is the glorious eternal home of all believers in Jesus.(JOHN. 14:1-3)
We believe that the hell is the place of eternal judgement for all those who reject Jesus as the savior of mankind.(REV. 20:10-15)